How to position yourself as a strong buyer in a HOT seller’s market?

Monthly Newsletter from New Dawn Realty February 19, 2022
Dawna's monthly newsletter-February 2022
I visited with an out-of-state client to discuss how to position herself as a strong buyer in a HOT seller’s market.
If you’ve worked with me, you know I love to strategize.
In our pre-showing meeting, we discuss questions such as:
“What is your long term goal?”
“How long do you plan to be in this home?”
“Is building a new home a possibility?”
Next, we create and execute a custom plan just for you with innovative scenarios:
*How do we compete with a cash offer if you are getting a loan? And by the way, a cash offer could be a plausible opportunity for you even if you don’t have cash.
*What unlisted properties do I have that might work so you are not competing with multiple offers?
*Can you utilize this tool to stand out in a sea of competing offers?
With the right Realtor on your side, you can be successful in a tough market.
You know that I enjoy giving back to our community and supporting great causes.With that in mind, I have a favor to ask of you:New Dawn Realty is hosting a party for Law Enforcement on March 31st, for the Aurora Police Department, Districts 1-3.
Our men and women in blue are discouraged.
*The Aurora Police Department lost 126 offers last year. They simply quit because they were so overwhelmed.
*The Officers are arresting criminals, but the Judges are not convicting them.
Here’s what I need:
I would love to give every officer in attendance, a handwritten note from each of my clients/friends at the end of the appreciation party—a little thank you of hope.
Would you help?
Simply email me at [email protected]
Please send all notes to my office address:
8480 East Orchard Rd. Suite 1100
Greenwood Village, Co. 80111
Greenwood Village, Co. 80111
Stay tuned for an update and photos after our Law Enforcement Appreciation Party.
Let’s honor our police men and women and get them encouraged again.
You requested it, you got it.
What's Up Wednesday is BACK!!!
Watch this week's video below.

Your trusted voice of value end of year update
Monthly Newsletter from New Dawn Realty I hope each of you had a Merry Christmas.I want to thank everyone who...