By invitation only-New Dawn Realty Client Appreciation Party~

Monthly Newsletter from New Dawn Realty August 23, 2022
You are personally invited to our annual New Dawn Realty Client Appreciation Party.
When: September 24, 2022
Where: Creekside Recreation Center (Stroh Ranch)
19301 J Morgan Boulevard Parker, CO, 80134
Time: 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. MT
Join Dawna Hetzler, New Dawn Realty, and Valerie Cameron with Prime Lending, for our fall client appreciation party.
Bring the kiddos for some popcorn, cotton candy, face painting, and bounce house fun!
Let's celebrate the fall season together.
Please RSVP by September 19th.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Dawna & Valerie

Your trusted voice of value end of year update
Monthly Newsletter from New Dawn Realty I hope each of you had a Merry Christmas.I want to thank everyone who...